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top developers mindset all about the 5 things you don 't know

Web development

Coding and programming are becoming more and more popular as
technology advances and computer-based devices become more
widespread. With this rise in popularity has come a dramatic increase
in the demand for experienced programmers and developers. A lot of
people with no computer science background are asking the question
‘What does a web developer do?’, with the aim of learning the necessary
skills and becoming a developer. Entry level developer jobs are rather
abundant, which makes learning programming in your spare time an
attractive prospect, especially if you are looking for a career change.
Due to the increasing number of people inquiring about entry-level
front-end developer jobs, we have decided to put this guide together
to help you understand what is required to become a developer. We
will begin by looking at what web developers, and specifically, frontend
developers do. We will look at how and why you should consider
taking up front-end web development, and what skills you need to
become a web developer.
1. Introduction 2
2. Web developers - what do they do? 4
3. Finding your passion 5
4. The must-have skills 6
5. Soft skill development 8

6. First job as a developer 9

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